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How to earn money from a website or blog?

Asked by : Sara Bettsworth on 23/03/2021
Response by TechGuy

Earning money from your website isn't a rocket science. It can be done by anyone. In fact, turning a hobby blog or website into an income generating source is very easy but may require some SEO works. If you are lucky enough then you may replace your main income with website income. First few months, you will need to cover your basic expenses for a domain and web hosting – which are essential for keeping your website up and running. Once your website and content is ranked by Google and shown on search result, you will see income coming!

How to earn money from a website?

Making money from your website is easy if you are on the right track and have little bit of SEO and tech knowledge. Three money making strategies of a website will be discussed in this post.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people's (or company's) products. You add link of a product on your website, promote it to others and earn a share of the profit for each sale that you make. Amazon offers various tools for Affiliate marketing. The commission could be anywhere from 2% of the product or service price, up to as high as 70%. Affiliate marketing commission rate will on provider and item you are promoting.

2. Google AdSense - Pay Per Click

Google AdSense allows publishers to join their advertising network so that advertisers can run ads on approved website. Higher Cost Per Click (CPC) ads will enable you to earn more money. Once your site is verified by Google, they will provide a simple code to add on your website that will identify the content of your site and start displaying relevant advertisements. For example, if your site is about travel, Google AdSense will start showing your visitors travel related ads and more. Google AdSense allow auto add which requires minimal effort to place and run add campaign.

Real example : This site is subscribed to Google AdSense. Clicking on any ads shown on this page, will generate income for TechQura.

3. Sell Ad Space on your website

Adding Google AdSense on your website is just one way to make money from online advertisements. Another is to simply sell your own ad space directly to companies looking to sponsor your content and page. You can set different price for different space, for example, Top bar banner add will cost 200 USD per month anf Sidebar banner ads will cost 100 USD per month etc. buysellads.com is the most popular environment to let everybody know you’re selling ad space.

4. Start selling on your website

If you have little bit ecomerce knowledge then you can start selling on your website or blog site. You can also utilise third party ecomerce platforms e.g shopify.co.uk, eBay shop, Amazon etc. For online payment on your site, you can use PayPal Express Checkout. PayPal is easy to setup also they operates in 96 countries and 24 currencies. It is highly recommended that you upgrade your hosting package for selling on your website if you are using basic hosting.

5. Charge membership fee

If you create premium contents or blog then you can charge your users a membership fee for using your site. There are some very popular topics to explore. e.g How to lose weight in 15 days? How to improve your credit score? How to train a dog? etc. You can either create eBook or provide paid registration system to access your contents.if you want to take this option then you should think carefully whether to run Google AdSense ad on your site as users might find this distructing.