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How to make money on YouTube?

Asked by : Monty on 05/03/2021
Response by TechGene

Making money on Youtube is an open secret. There are tons of information and video tutorials are available online on this topic. However, there are few basic things that need to be considered to make money on Youtube. Niche and interesting contents, good presentation and quality are the key success on Youtube.

Every section need to be perfect and on target. For example, you have created a video that is niche and interesting but using low quality camera and poor video editing will ruin your hard work.


6 Easy steps to make money on Youtube:
1. Create a Youtube channel.
2. Make niche and quality contents.
2. Become a YouTube Partner by fulfilling all requirements To join the program, you need a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months).
3. Set up an Google AdSense account.
4. Set best monetization features.
5. Grow social media apperence.
6. Finally create your own landing page.

How much you can earn everyday will depend on various factors. According to Forbes, a top talent YouTuber can make about 5 USD for every 1,000 views. To earn a good passive income from Youtube channel and video, you need to grow your subscriber and same time views. Please note that Google will give you 68% of the revenue when displaying ads with AdSense. So, for example, if a video generates 100 USD from AdSense revenue, you will receive 68 USD in your account.

YouTube income is generated by various ways including advertisements through AdSense, sponsorships with popular brands, and affiliate links. According to cbsnews.com Ryan ToysReview Youtube channel earns 22 million USD per year.

Finally, to earn good money on Youtube you need to follow 6 easy steps as mentioned before - find a niche, post regularly, buy the right equipment, and learn how to edit videos in professional manner.

More information on How to make money on Youtube can be found on below links :

