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Which programming language should I learn as a beginner ?

Asked by : Steve Davis on 03/03/2021
Response by Mahfuzur Rahman

Computer programming language

Computer programming language is a set of instructions that produce various kinds of output. Computer programming languages are used to implement algorithms. Most programming languages consist of instructions for computers. For example compare, calculation etc. In short Computer programming languages allow us to give instructions to a computer in a language the computer understands.

Most frequently asked questions about coding and programming

Which programming language should I learn as a beginner?

Which programming language is most in-demand for jobs?

What is the most popular computer programming language?

C programming language

C programming language is known as mother of all programming languages, which indicates that learning C programming language will help to learn other programming languages.

Before you begin learning how to code, it's important to know that computer science is cumulative field of study. An example of cumulative is the increasing amount of water in a pool that is being filled.

Web and mobile app coding

Some programming languages are also known as scripting language, used purely for web development e.g Java Script, PHP etc.

Popular programming languages

When it comes to choosing a programming language, it depends on various factors including why you want to learn the code ? Are you aiming for one specific field e.g web development or Mobile App development ?.

Top 20 programming languages

Beginners programming languages

For beginners, it is highly recommended to start web development languages like PHP which is relatively easy to learn and understand. Once you have good understanding on a basic language then you can move on to more complex languages like C++, VB.Net, JAVA etc.

Learning web development language is easy because there are lots of resources available online and you can use simple text editor like Notepad to write your code and upload it in a web server to test. On the other hand, learning C++ or JAVA is tough because you need to use certain IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to write and execute your code. In this case first hurdle will be learning about the IDE, for example Visual Studio.

If you are aiming to build cross platforms App (e.g iOS and Android) then JAVA will be your first choice. JAVA is also used in communications, education, finance, health sciences, hospitality, retail and utilities

If you want to restrict yourself mainly in one platform then VB.Net will be best option for you. However, using VB.Net you can deploy app in other platforms as well but VB.Net is a good fit for Windows based system.

If you want to work with modern trend including AI then you might consider Python. Inner logic of the game Civilization 4 was implemented in Python.

Which programming language is in-demand?

In response to the question Which programming language is most in-demand ?, every programming language has it's own merit. When it comes to jobs and good earning, JAVA is on the winning boat. However, it is impossible to avoid other programming languages. If you can be a master of any one programming language then no need check which language is in high demand.

Finally, learning computer programming languages is complex, time consuming and you will need a lot of patience specially when it comes to error tracing and debugging. Learn the language you find easy to grasp. By learning one programming language in depth, you are opening learning door to other programming languages. Always avoid "know all but better at none" approach when learning coding.