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Techqura Dictionary > Computer > Harware > CPU


CPU stand for central processing unit. The CPU is often referred to as the brain of a computer. CPUs are built by placing billions of microscopic transistors onto a single computer chip. CPU was first developed by Intel in the early 1970s. The first processor released by Intel was the 4004 processor.

CPU Functions

Every single operation that we do in a computer is processed in the CPU. CPU's main function is to take input / instruction from connected harware (e.g keyboard, mouse, printer etc) or computer program, and perform requested task. The performance of a computer is based on simple mathematical operations, and the CPU is the device that controls all of these operations.

In the CPU, there are two primary components:
1. ALU (arithmetic logic unit) - performs mathematical, logical, and decision operations.

2. CU (control unit) - directs all the processors operations.

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