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Techqura Dictionary > Computer > Software > Operating System (OS)

Operating System (OS)

Operating System or OS is a system software that communicates with the connected hardware and allows installed programs to run. OS handle everything including keyboard, mouse, Wi-Fi radio, storage devices, and display. In other words, an operating system handles input and output devices. Operating systems define how a computer stores files, switches between different applications, manages memory, keeps itself secure, and interacts with peripherals like printers and cameras.

Most popular Operating System (OS)

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows has existed in one form or another since 1985, and it remains the most popular operating system for home and office computers.

Apple macOS

Apple's macOS, successor to the popular OS X operating system, runs on Apple laptops and desktops. Based in part on the historic family of Unix operating systems dating back to research in the 1960s at AT&T's Bell Labs, macOS shares some features with other Unix-related operating systems including Linux.

Linux Operating System

Unlike many other operating systems, development on Linux isn't led by any one company. The operating system was created by Finnish programmer Linus Torvalds in 1991. Nowadays, programmers from all over the world collaborate on its open source code and submit tweaks to the central kernel software and other programs.

Chrome OS

Chrome OS (sometimes styled as chromeOS) is a Gentoo Linux-based operating system designed by Google. It is derived from the free software Chromium OS and uses the Google Chrome web browser as its principal user interface.

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